Avian Flu, London floos, Global-Warming, New Epoch, Climate-Change, sea
levels, Avian Flu, Pandemics, survival, Thames Estuary, inundation, New York,
Radical Economics, Overkill, Nuclear Submarines, Antarctic Ice Cap.
Floods, London Flood
Maps, Flood Depth, Flood Area, Flood Defences, Rainfall, Global Warming,
Floods, Extreme Weather, London, Thames Barrier, House Values, Flood Insurance,
Flooded Sewers, Rats and Floods, Pestilence and Floods, Evacuate, Flood
Services, Flood Maps, New York Floods, London Floods, UK Floods, Thames Floods,
Avon Floods, Severn Floods, London Floods, Survive Floods, Flood Food, Flood
Waters, Future Floods, Global Warming Future, Climate Floods, Flooded Trains
and Roads.
Estuary, inundation, New York, Radical
Economics, Overkill, Nuclear Submarines, Antarctic Ice Cap.
Will your home flood?
Buy as E-BOOKS or in print - Click the covers.
Scary Holiday
Reading - The Chaos of Global Warming – But a great Future.
Global Warming – the Avian Flu Pandemic –
and a great Future.
Buy from LULU.com,
Amazon.com from Barnes & Noble or from Noel Hodson
Over the Rainbow – Is an “unputtabledownable”
drama aimed at the popular market, set in the Thames
estuary as global warming floods the coastal margins and billions of people
worldwide grudgingly migrate to higher ground. But the destruction of
transport routes disrupts food supplies and the measures for containment of
pandemics. Avian flu’ destroys most of the human race. The heroine, Alice,
survives by secretly dwelling on the upper floors in Harrods, surrounded by
deep, dangerous and filthy water, to eventually emerge and join other London
survivors, including the politically ambitious, self-appointed Dean of London
University and ruthless agents of once
aristocratic land owners. Alice opposes
“politics and power as usual”, is murdered for spreading radical and
seditious ideas and an overt battle for who will rule Britain
commences. The book ends with the compass pointing to the brave new world
which may result. Throughout, quotes from the scientific literature and tales
from Londoners’ lives paint an accurate picture – if a little accelerated –
of what global warming will bring us.
1-4116-7030-2 http://www.lulu.com/content/207331
…what next? – read AD2516-After Global Warming by
Noel Hodson - Entered for the 2005 Whitbread Prize – first novel
category. ISBN 1-4137-6870-9
AD2516 - After Global
Warming – Is compulsive
reading. Five hundred years from now, global warming has almost run its
course and a new Utopian society of eleven billion people has been built. Our
main characters are temporally and geographically displaced from 1999 to 2516
via a long deep-freeze, to be resuscitated and woken by “the most beautiful
woman in the Universe” Doctor Eloise le Friac. It
is a humorous story in which an American billionaire resists adapting to a
world without money, an English Minister of Education, lodging at Magdalen College, behind the Oxford
Sea-Wall, strives to go back in time to her children and husband; and a
neurotic New York journalist seeks sexual satisfaction in dark places after
five hundred years of involuntary celibacy. It is an optimistic and thought
provoking book, full of warmth and comedy, indicating how the human race
could develop – despite or because of the pending destructiveness of global
warming – which is described in 'future-history' lessons. The underlying
science and economics are consistent and credible – this Utopia could really
happen. http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/search-handle-form/202-2843992-4459832
Entered for the 2005 Whitbread Prize –
first novel category.
The Author - Noel Hodson -
has read popular science, which underpins his novels, for five
decades. His career spans twenty-five years advising businesses, innovators
and inventors, including a partnership with Wolfson
College, Oxford focused on local science-parks. He
is among the pioneers promoting Telework internationally to major
employers, with clients including The World Health Organisation and
Transport for London.
He wrote the seminal Economics of Teleworking in 1992 and Teleworking
Explained (Wiley & Sons) in 1993 and co-led two significant pan-European
Information Society EC projects. He has worked at and from home in Oxford for thirty
years. Noel has an active, current interest in transportation and
environmental matters and in national economic and taxation issues including
Land Valuation Taxes. noel@noelhodson.com
Buy from LULU.com,
Amazon.com from Barnes & Noble or from Noel Hodson
email:noel@noelhodson.com – web www.noelhodson.com